5 Days to More Talking

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

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7 thoughts on “5 Days to More Talking – Day 5”

    1. Hello! For pictures, we use pairs of pictures for matching. Eventually you can use identical items for object imitation as well.

  1. Hello.

    Unfortunately, my daughter has Autism and ADHD and gets bored very quickly, losing interest in the toys after just a few days. Additionally, she prefers to do only what she likes and has difficulty following directions, making it hard for us to play at the table properly.

    Could you please provide any advice or suggestions on how to better engage her and make the activities more enjoyable and effective?

    Thank you for your assistance.

    1. kelsey General


      This is quite common when kids start table time.

      A few things,

      Keep the table fun! Bring 3-5 reinforcers or toys/games that you can play with “her way” and slowly mix in the shoebox, puzzles and other activities with only a few demands each time so that it is mostly fun and her way with just a few demands. We don’t want to remove all fun and just have her do the activities we want.

      So for example you may play with some playdoh and bubbles while giving a favorite snack and you may slide the shoebox in and do a picture or two and then right back to bubbles and playdoh.

      We do discuss this at length and have more videos on this in the full course. We also have a very active community and monthly unstuck calls so you can ask our team as things like this come up!

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